Visiting a new country can be both exciting and daunting, especially when it comes to communicating with locals. In Prague, the charming capital of the Czech Republic, learning a few basic phrases in Czech can enhance your experience significantly. While many Czechs speak English, particularly in tourist areas, making an effort to speak their language can lead to warmer interactions and deeper connections. Here’s a handy guide to get you started with some essential Czech phrases.

Before you enter the world of Czech, beware of the difficulty of this language. I have dealt with Dutch, French, English, German, Latin and old Greek in school, but Czech is like it is from a different planet. I have met people who lived in Prague for more than ten years and even hey say it is almost impossible to learn it to a level that would be acceptable to Czech people.

So, here we go, haha.

Greetings and Basic Phrases

  1. Hello - Ahoj (informal) / Dobrý den (formal)

    Use "Ahoj" among friends or younger people, while "Dobrý den" is appropriate in formal situations.
  2. Goodbye - Na shledanou

    This phrase is universally understood and is a polite way to bid farewell.
  3. Please - Prosím

    A simple but essential word to show politeness.
  4. Thank you - Děkuji (formal) / Díky (informal)

    Use "Děkuji" in more formal settings and "Díky" when speaking with friends.
  5. Yes - Ano

    Straightforward and easy to remember.
  6. No - Ne

    Another essential word that is quick to learn.
  7. Excuse me / Sorry - Promiňte

    Use this when you need to get someone's attention or if you bump into someone.
  8. How are you? - Jak se máš? (informal) / Jak se máte? (formal)
    Use "Jak se máš?" with friends and "Jak se máte?" in more formal situations.
  9. I don't understand. - Nerozumím.
    This phrase is useful if you're having trouble understanding something.
  10. Can you help me? - Můžete mi pomoci? (formal) / Můžeš mi pomoci? (informal)
    Use "Můžete mi pomoci?" when speaking to someone in a formal context and "Můžeš mi pomoci?" with friends.

Ordering Food and Drinks

One of the highlights of visiting Prague is indulging in the local cuisine and, of course, the famous Czech beer. Here are some useful phrases for ordering:

  • I would like... - Chtěl bych... (for males) / Chtěla bych... (for females)

    This is a polite way to express what you want to order.
  • A beer, please - Pivo, prosím

You can also specify the type of beer if you know it, like ležák (lager) or pilsner.

  • The menu, please - Jídelní lístek, prosím
  • What do you recommend? - Co doporučujete?

    Asking locals for their recommendations can lead to delicious discoveries.
  • I’m vegetarian - Jsem vegetarián/vegetariánka (male/female)

    If you have dietary restrictions, it’s important to let the staff know.
  • The bill, please - Účet, prosím

    Use this phrase to request your bill at the end of your meal.

Common drink terms

  1. Coffee - Káva
  2. Tea - Čaj
  3. Water - Voda
  4. Beer - Pivo
  5. Wine - Víno
  6. Juice - Džus
  7. Soda - Soda
  8. Milk - Mléko
  9. Whiskey - Whisky
  10. Lemonade - Limonáda


Common Food Terms

  1. Bread - Chléb
  2. Soup - Polévka
  3. Meat - Maso
  4. Chicken - Kuřecí
  5. Pork meat - Vepřové maso
  6. Beef  - Hovězí maso
  7. Vegetables - Zelenina
  8. Potatoes - Brambory
  9. Fries - Hranolky
  10. Dessert - Dezert

Vepřové maso

Numbers 1 to 10

  1. One - Jedna
  2. Two - Dva
  3. Three - Tři
  4. Four - Čtyři
  5. Five - Pět
  6. Six - Šest
  7. Seven - Sedm
  8. Eight - Osm
  9. Nine - Devět
  10. Ten - Deset


Terms on a City Map

  1. Square - Náměstí
  2. Street - Ulice
  3. Station (train) - Nádraží
  4. Park - Park
  5. Bridge - Most
  6. Stop (bus, tram) - Zastávka
  7. City - Město
  8. Garden - Zahrada
  9. Castle - Hrad
  10. Shop  - Obchod


Practical Tips for Speaking Czech

  • Practice Pronunciation: Czech has some unique sounds that may be challenging at first. Don’t hesitate to ask locals for help with pronunciation; they will usually appreciate your effort.
  • Use Simple Phrases: Start with simple phrases and gradually add more complex sentences as you gain confidence.
  • Learn Numbers: Knowing numbers can help you understand prices and quantities.
  • Use duolingo and don't give up, like I do every other month


Learning the basics of the Czech language can significantly enhance your travel experience in Prague. While you may not become fluent overnight, even a few key phrases can make a big difference. Czechs are generally welcoming and appreciate any effort to speak their language, no matter how small.

So, whether you’re greeting someone with a friendly "Ahoj" or ordering a delicious "Pivo, prosím," remember that your efforts to connect with the locals will lead to more memorable experiences. Enjoy your time in this beautiful city, and don’t forget to immerse yourself in its rich culture and history!

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